Land Transaction
- To initiate a property transaction, create an eSakor account based on your land location, whether it’s Rural or Urban.
- USE the registered USER ID (Mobile No.) and set password to LOGIN in order to apply your transaction.
- After filling in all the required details for property transfer, SUBMIT your transaction.
- Once your application is received, submit your original documents to the respective Land Record Sector.
- If all your submitted documents are valid, your transaction status will be changed from “RECEIVED” to “ACCEPTED”.
- Cooling period of 30 DAYS will be then observed except for “THRAM OWNERSHIP TYPE CHANGE” and “COURT VERDICT TRANSACTION”.
- On completion of cooling period, Dzongkhag/Thromde will verify and forward the transaction to NLCS HQ online for further verification and final approval.
- After the approval, you may collect your lagthram either from HQ or respective Dzongkhag Land Record Sector.
Required documents